Have you ever considered including herbs in your bouquet? Herbs can add many different elements to your flowers arrangement(s). They are textural, some have blooms, and their fragrance can also be an aid in aromatherapy. Did you know lavender is soothing and relaxing, in addition to the pretty flowers?
I also enjoy the meaning of flowers. Of course, there are many aspects of the Victorian era I enjoy too, so I guess it only stands to reason the language of flowers and herbs would also be of interest to me. Here are some herbs and their meanings.
As previously mentioned, there is lavender which means devotion. There are a couple different types of lavender -- English lavender and French lavender. They are both in shades of purple but have different shapes to their flowers.
Mint is such an uplifting and energizing, warming and soothing herb. It means virtue. Who wouldn’t want this in their wedding bouquet? And aroma of mint is divine.

Olive is another great one – it means peace or reconciliation. I love the color, shape and sturdiness of this greenery in designs as well. Myrtle is another great one. It too means peace and is a sturdy green for arrangements.
Some others:
Basil: Love, wealth, good wishes, protection
Relieves stress, refreshing
Oregano: Joy
Stimulating yet calming
Cilantro: Love, health, healing, hidden worth
Stress relief
Thyme: Courage
Sage: Wisdom, long life
Helps ward off flies (great for outdoor weddings/receptions). Uplifting, soothing
Parsley: Gratitude
Dill: Protection, money, luck, lust
Scented Geranium: Health, protection, love, fertility, true friendship, comfort
Chives: Usefulness
Echinacea: Capability
Agastache/hyssop: Sacrifice, cleanliness, purification, protection
Bay (Laurus nobilis): Success
Yarrow: Good health, everlasting love, courage
Rosemary: Remembrance, fidelity
As you can see, there are a lot of herbs; this is just some of them. Flowers too have meanings. Perhaps I’ll cover those in another blog post.
As we know, weddings, while they can be a lot of fun, still are a stressful time. I’d like to think that by including some of these beautiful yet therapeutic elements into a bouquet, I’m helping the bride relax and enjoy her day. There is more than meets the eye – it’s a bouquet filled with meaning, fragrance and passion.